Object: Sh2-129, Outters4 Optic: Canon EF200 f/2.8 at 2.8 Camera: Moravian G2 8300 FW at -20°C Filter: Astrodon 31mm: 5nm H-Alpha and OIII Exposure summarized 6,4h: 24x8min H-Alpha, 24x8min OIII, 152xBias, 21xDark, 2x51xFlat Guiding: 50mm Finder, ASI120MM, PHD2, DitherHigh x3 Date1: 2014-07-24, Zirndorf Date2: 2014-07-25, Zirndorf Thomas Jäger Preprocessing Pixinsight ImageCalibration, ImageIntegration, ImageRegistration, DrizzleIntegration, MaskedStretch, PixelMath Bicolor Combination Ha=Red, 0.125*Ha+0.875*OIII=Green, OIII+0.075*Ha=Blue, Curves, MorphologicalTransformation Processing PS Metsavainio Narrowband Workflow only for OIII, contrast improvements and recombination of OIII Channel to existing bicolor image to enhance Outters4 PSCameraRAW NoiseReduction, BlackPoint, JPG |