Object: Sh2-129, Outters4 Optic: Canon EF200 f/2.8 at 2.8 Camera: Moravian G2 8300 FW at -20°C Filter: Astrodon 31mm: 5nm H-Alpha and OIII Exposure summarized 6,4h: 24x8min H-Alpha, 24x8min OIII, 152xBias, 21xDark, 2x51xFlat Guiding: 50mm Finder, ASI120MM, PHD2, DitherHigh x3 Date1: 2014-07-24, Zirndorf Date2: 2014-07-25, Zirndorf Thomas Jäger Preprocessing Pixinsight ImageCalibration, ImageIntegration, ImageRegistration, DrizzleIntegration, MaskedStretch, PixelMath Bicolor Combination Ha=Red, 0.125*Ha+0.875*OIII=Green, OIII+0.075*Ha=Blue, Curves, MorphologicalTransformation Processing PS Metsavainio Narrowband Workflow only for OIII, contrast improvements and recombination of OIII Channel to existing bicolor image to enhance Outters4 PSCameraRAW NoiseReduction, BlackPoint, JPG This is only the H-Alpha Channel |