Title: M81/82 and the FLUX Optic: Canon EF200f2.8 at f/2.8 Filter: Baader 50mm LRGB Camera: SBIG STL11000M C2 at -20°C, selfguiding Exposures: L 19x4min (10 true L, 9 xL from RGB); RGB 36:36:36min, subexposure 4min, 70x Darks, 211x Bias, 51x Flat Location: Kreben, Germany Date: 2014-04-20 Processing Pixinsight: Image Calibration, CosmeticCorrection, StarAlignment, Image Integration, DBE, ChannelCombination, BN, STF-Stretching for RGB, Masked stretch script for L, L-RGB Combination, MLT, PixelMath, HT, StarMask, ColorSaturation, MT, SCNR PS: Color and Histogramm enhancement, remove gradients, histogram, curves, minimum filter |