Title: M42 wide field Optic: Skywatcher Esprit 100/550 Refractor Flatner: Skywatcher Esprit 100/550 Flattner Filter: Baader 50mm LRGB Camera: SBIG STL11000M C2 at -25°C, Nebulosity3 Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ6-GT Guiding: 50mm Finder, ASI120MM, openPHD2, DitherHigh, scale 3 Exposures: L 34x4min (25 true L, 9x from RGB); RGB 56:52:48min, subexposure 4min RGB 125:125:125sec, subexposure 25s 29x Darks, 180x Bias, 42x Flat (green), 41x Flat (L) Location: Date1: 2015-02-20, Vockenroth, Germany, RGB Frames Date2: 2015-03-09, Defersdorf, Germany, L-Frames Processing Pixinsight: Image Calibration, CosmeticCorrection, StarAlignment, Image Integration, ChannelCombination, DBE, STF-Stretching, Drizzle Integration for L, 2x Resample for RGB, L-RGB Combination, HDRMT PS: Blending of the Huygens-Region with 125s Image, masked denoise, Dynamic, Levels, HighPass Sharping Pixinsight: SCNR to green, DSE Script, 3x StarMask, masks combining with PixelMath, multi MT and MMT for star removal PS: Shadows and Highlights, denoise, masked Hue and Saturation, Levels, Dynamic, masked SelectiveColor, masked Highpass Sharping, blending of stars, mixing of two versions of this image, masked HighpassSharping, repair of a reflex |