Object: M31 Optic: Pentax75 75/500 Refractor Camera: Canon EOS 6D @ ISO800 Exposures: 30x8min, 16x45s, 72 Flatfields, 61 Bias, 9 Darks Guiding: 60/500 Refractor (Wundertüte), I-Nova PLA-Mx 310Kp Date: 2013-10-30, Kreben Preprocessing: Pixinsight (Calibration, Debayer, Registration, Integration) Processing: Pixinsight RGBWS, extract L, Deconvolution for L, STF-Stretch for RGB and L, L-RGB Combination PS: Star removing (dust and scratches), difference map for stars, star shrinking with minimum filter. Processing of galaxie and background: color enhancement, HighPass sharping, strong dynamic/saturation, selective color, masked soft light |