Object: M8 Lagoon Nebula, M20 Trifid Nebula, NGC6559 Optic: Baader APO 95/560 CaF2 Travel Companion Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 Camera: Canon 5DmIIa, ISO1600 Exposure: total 3.1h, 47x4min, 81xBias, 13x Darks, 51x Flat Date: 2018-07-14 Location: ATHOS Centro Astronómico S.L., La Palma Capture: APT-Tool Guiding: Finderscope, ASI120MM, PHD2 Image Acquisition: Thomas Jaeger Image Processing: Thomas Jaeger PI: BatchPreprocessingScript, StarAlignment, CosmeticCorrection, ImageIntegration, HDRMS ST: Magic PS: blend of a image with shrinked stars, Dynamic, maskedHueSaturation, blend of M8's core with a HDRMultiscale image, masked Dynamic, Levels, maskedSoftlight maskedDynamic, maskedLevels |