Object: IC434 M42 2x Mosaic Optic: Skywatcher Esprit 100/550 Refractor Flattner: Riccardi 0,75x Reducer M63, f=413mm Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 Camera: ZWO ASI6200MM Pro @-10°C, Gain=100, Offset=50 Filter: Baader CMOS 6.5nm (H-Alpha, OIII, SII) Mosaic: 2 frame mosaic Exposure: total 5.3h, 2x( Ha 19x4min, R 7x4min, G 7x4min, B 7x4min ) 188xBias, 48x Darks, 41x Flat per Channel Color: HaRGB, Ha Date1/Location1: 2021-02-27, Linden Date2/Location2: 2021-03-03, Linden Capture: INDI Lib, INDIStarter, CCDCiel (Sequencing, Autocenter, Autofocus, Dithering, AutomaticFlat) Guiding: 8x50 Finder, ASI120MM-S, PHD2, EQMOD Image Processing: WeightedBatchPreprocessingScript, CosmeticCorrection, ImageIntegration, ChannelCombination, DBE for RGB, ImagePlateSolver, MosaicByCoordinates, TrimMosaicTileScript, PhotometricMosaicScript, EZ Denoise for Ha, MaskedStretch for Ha, HistogrammStretch and ArcsinhStretch for RGB, Starnet PS: maskedLevels, maskedSelectivColors, cloneStamp, NIK Dfine2 NR, clippedCurves, NIK SilverEfexPro, blendHa as red, layer difference, blend stars, -> use of image processing tools and order may vary between versions Observer: Thomas Jäger, www.starhopper.eu |