Object: M97, Owl Nebula Date1/Location1: 2019-04-06, Kreben Optic: NON1000 (200/1000mm Newton f5), GPU Corrector Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 Date2/Location2: 2019-04-20, Zirndorf Date3/Location3: 2019-04-21, Zirndorf Optic: CA300 (300/1200mm Newton f4), GPU Corrector Mount: Skywatcher EQ8 Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM-C @ -20°C, Gain 53, Offset 10 Filter: ZWO EFW 7x36mm, Baader 36mm Filter Exposure: total 11.1h, R 12x4m, G 15x4m, B 13x4m, OIII 107x4m, H-Alpha 20x4m 256xBias, 51x Darks, 41x Flat Capture: INDI Lib, INDI Starter, CCDCiel (Sequencing, Autofocus, Dither, AutomaticFlat) Guiding: TS-OAG 9mm, ASI120MM, PHD2 Image Processing: PI: BatchPreprocessingScript, CosmeticCorrection, StarAlignment, Blink, ImageIntegration, ChannelCombination, AutomaticBackgroundExtractor, DynamicBackgroundExtraction, MaskedStretch, HistogramTransformation, PhotometricColorCorrection, PS: OIII Channel as Luminance, blend of a weak strechted image of central nebula, curves levels, dynamic, maskedNIK Collection dfine2, levels, colorBalance not all channels used for certain versions |